
Results: 22
Phenomenological Models of Inter-Subjectivity
Stefano Bancalari
Dec 21, 2016
In this paper, I would like to provide some of the elements necessary for acomprehension of Michel Henry’s position within the context of thephenomenological debate on inter-subjectivity. This apparently straightforwardtask is...
Assessment of Substrate and TBC Damage Effects on Resonance Frequencies for Blade Health Monitoring
The reliability of critical aircraft components continues to shift towards onboard monitoring to optimize maintenance scheduling, economy efficiency and safety. Therefore, the present study investigates changes in dynamic...
Published by: IGI Global
Religion as the Ethical Form of Self-Regulation
Jean Leclercq
Dec 21, 2016
Among thinkers and philosophers who have hazarded a non-theological and nonrationalistic approach to Christianity, Michel Henry’s published work—along with what remains unpublished and all that it harbours—imposes itself as a...
The Significance of Self-Affection
Garth W. Green
Dec 30, 2016
Michel Henry’s “Destruction ontologique” does not interpret itself. In the following interpretive essay, I will attempt to articulate its basic structure, to address its principal engagements, and, on this basis, to interpret...
Phenomenality or Revelation
Karl Hefty
Dec 21, 2016
With uncommon humility, Michel Henry offered a new beginning to philosophy,a new and adequate point of departure that changes everything. Over the course ofa philosophical career spanning the second half of the twentieth...
While Michel Henry is, in the words of Jean Leclercq, “l’un des plus grandspenseurs français du XXème siècle,” his philosophical contributions remained,throughout his career, anomalous or eccentric, in the etymological sense of...
Beneath Time and Reflection
Claudia Serban
Dec 21, 2016
Ever since The Essence of Manifestation (1963), Michel Henry’s phenomenologydeveloped in a close dialogue with Husserl. This confrontation led Henry, in 1995,to formulate the project of a “non-intentional phenomenology,” which...
L’intériorité pathique des mots
Cesare Del Mastro
Dec 20, 2016
Si la phénoménologie de Michel Henry renvoie l’humain à son ancrage dans la vieauto-affective, comment aborder dans un tel cadre philosophique deux des traitspropres au vivant humain, à savoir le langage et la création...
Life Turned Against Itself
Michel Henry is known to be the contemporary thinker who has given the most privileged status and the deepest philosophical significance to affectivity. His whole work—from his interpretation of Biran’s ontology of subjectivity...
Michel Henry between Krisis and Critique
Carla Canullo
Dec 20, 2016
Michel Henry was, fundamentally, neither a thinker of the Krisis, nor a philosopherof “critical” thought. In his Barbarism, however, and his two volumes on Marx,Henry criticized forcefully the culture of his time and place....
Phenomenality and Finitude
Roberto Formisano
Dec 21, 2016
In the following essay, I will examine the connection between phenomenality andfinitude, a problem developed by Michel Henry in The Essence of Manifestationin the context of a close dialogue with Heidegger and Kant on the theme...
Success Factors to Deliver Organizational Digital Transformation
Michel Philippart
Sep 01, 2021
Many digital transformation initiatives of traditional firms fail. This research proposes a framework that identifies the need for corporations willing to transform, to look beyond technology. This research moves beyond the...
Published by: IGI Global
Ontological Destruction of the Kantian Critique of the Paralogism of Rational Psychology
Michel Henry
Dec 19, 2016
In Kant, remarkably, and for the first time perhaps in the history of philosophy, theproblem of the Ego receives an ontological signification. The critique of theparalogisms of rational psychology concerns, explicitly, this...
Suffering and Ipseity in Michel Henry
The double expansion that Husserl’s phenomenology imposed on subjectiveexperience posed, among other difficulties, a new and particularly difficultproblem for Husserl; that of the trans-temporal identity of the...
Fichte, Henry, and the Problem of Manifestation
Gaetano Rametta
Dec 30, 2016
The interpretation of Fichte plays a crucial role in the argumentation of Michel Henry’s seminal work, The Essence of Manifestation. 1 Indeed, it accompanies one of the most important passages of the entire volume, which...
Expérience d’autrui et érotisme chez Henry et Sartre
Grégori Jean
Dec 20, 2016
Afin d’introduire notre propos, nous souhaiterons d’abord insister sur deux desavancées herméneutiques fondamentales qu’ont à nos yeux rendues possibles letravail mené depuis 2010 au Fonds Michel Henry de l’université de...
Review of Richard Kearney and Brian Treanor (eds.), Carnal Hermeneutics, New York
Carnal Hermeneutics is a collection of essays published in 2015 in the “Perspectives in Continental Philosophy” series by Fordham University Press. The contributors fall into two categories: established French philosophers...
“Spiritual Acoustics”
Kevin Hart
Aug 28, 2017
Kierkegaard steadily maintains, against Lessing, that Jesus’s contemporaries had no advantage as regards faith merely because they had personal experience of him. It is a view proposed both by Johannes Climacus and...
The Ethics of Affectivity and the Problem of Personhood
Frédéric Seyler
Dec 21, 2016
Michel Henry’s critique of barbarism,1 understood as a flight from life, almostimmediately raises the question of how life’s tendency to negate itself is then to beovercome. Undoubtedly, such a question refers to ethics....
Voice shame
Voice shame is the uncomfortable feeling of being heard as ridiculous, worthless or ‘not good enough’. Voice shame arises when a subject becomes aware of an observer’s attention and believes the evaluation to be negative. It...
Published by: The Singing Network